Over the last couple of sprints, our team has made some Herculean efforts in order to bring our new multi-company profile feature to life! Not to mention some midnight oil on a new Postman importer and much more!
Introducing multi-company profiles
Gone are the days of having to log into managed companies with separate email addresses - multi-company profile support means that anyone who manages multiple companies can switch into them with ease.
This update is a great way for agencies/partners to manage their companies more easily. However, multi-company profiles can also be used by anyone who needs to operate more than one company within Patchworks.
The duplicate process flow option has also been enhanced so that users who manage multiple companies can copy flows between them!
New Postman importer for the connector builder
When building a connector, a Postman Importer (beta) is available, so that the entire connector can be built from a single file.
The Postman Importer is accessed from the manage connectors page. When run, it attempts to:
- Create the system/ connector
- Create system variables
- Create authentication type (token/ api-key/ basic currently)
- Create authentication variables
- Create endpoints (including variables)
- Enable the authentication type fo all endpoints
As this is currently in Beta, there will likely be continual updates - but once the import is complete, this is a fantastic way to build connectors if a Postman collection is available.
New de-dupe shape
A new de-dupe can be used to handle duplicate records found in incoming payloads. For maximum flexibility, it has 3 modes:
- Filter: Filters out duplicated data so only new data continues through the flow.
- Track: Tracks new data but does not check for duplicated data.
- Filter and track: Filters out duplicated data and also tracks new data.
The de-dupe shape works by defining a unique data element to be referenced for matching (for example, an order id).
When incoming data is tracked, it gets added to a data pool so any subsequent runs can be checked and matched.
Retrospective run logs enhancements
Stop running process flow
Via the run logs, it's now possible to stop a running process flow.
View run failure reason at a glance
Run logs contain a lot of information so we've added a quick summary for failed runs which shows the reason for a failure - look for the arrow to the left of a 'failed' entry.
A bouquet of enhancements
We've enhanced a bunch of things too! Let's take a look...
Email failure alert notifications
The email message received when a process flow run fails now includes seconds in the run date/time, and the link provided navigates directly to the affected run log.
New endpoint body option
When adding endpoints via the Connector Builder, a new 'text' option is available (which was needed to support graphQL).
Cache maintenance (delete cache)
When you access the cache maintenance page, it's now possible to delete an entire cache (as opposed to just clearing the content).
Cache maintenance (cache content) UI
When you access an existing cache and choose to view details, the cache content UI has been updated to show more relevant information, depending on the cache type.
Script shape now allows a null response
Where previously a script shape did not allow null returns causing the subsequent step to fail, this is now possible.
Auto mapping will now only add matched rows
When field mappings are auto-generated, mapping rows are only added if a left AND a right match is found.
Assert payload shape
The team have resolved an issue where the assert shape could sometimes fail, if included in a route shape path.
Multiple FTP file transfer efficiency improvements
When an SFTP/FTP shape is used to transfer a large number of small files, a single authentication is made and then re-used for all files.
New prebuilt connectors in the marketplace
Here are the most recent pre-built connectors that have been added to the marketplace: